By madzlovesgee - 16/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were "fooling around." It started to get hot and he took out his penis for the first time. This was the first one I've seen in real life so I decided I'd complimented it. I had no idea what to say so I said, "It's pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 103


#41, I love you. Hahaha. And you wonder why some people prefer to have sex in silence.

IEatCrayons 0

#9 made me choke on my hotpocket.

thnxfrthvenom 0

LMAO HAHAHAHAHA im sry thats just sooooo funny though :D at least he know u like it :P xD

digapygmy 0

Sounds like a bad fanfic right there. >.>

iAmOtto 0

my gf said the same thing the first time she saw mine, too

f_mylifelovex3 0

its pretty haha.. u dont need to say anything .. i wud have give like a seductive look and ehh finished evrything else..

How the hell is this an FYL? It's not even a YDI. It is utterly useless and meaningless. You called it pretty - sooo...what?

Awwwww!!! That's so cute haha. If you guys end up together awhile, this'll be a funny memory.