By madzlovesgee - 16/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were "fooling around." It started to get hot and he took out his penis for the first time. This was the first one I've seen in real life so I decided I'd complimented it. I had no idea what to say so I said, "It's pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 103


At least he didn't do what my boyfriend does. He tightens his gut muscles which makes it wiggle around. It kind of freaks me out.

This is when you know you're too young to be fooling around in the first place...

eiji_chan 0

At least you didn't say "Awww look at that little guy!"

There is nothing pretty about penises haha.

orangecrsh16 0

I had no idea what to say so i said, "Its pretty...............small"

How is this an FML? It's funny, but not FML-worthy. I think penises are pretty darn ugly (no offense, guys), so if I were a guy and someone called mine pretty, I'd appreciate it and laugh.

ben26_fml 0

you are ******* retarded. he better have gotten the best damn ******* ever or your done