By trina - 22/03/2009 09:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. I started stroking the back of his neck with both of my hands. He told me, "Your hands are nice and smooth like my grandmother's." FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 393
You deserved it 7 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_smokin_okin 0

thats not an FML, my grandma has some pretty soft hands as well


Monty_Python 0

That's..... creepy in so many ways.....

#28 - Agreed. My ex boyfriend once told me that my legs were smooth, like his cat. I didn't like that, either.

lalalaloveeex 0

Yeah, this really isn't a FML at all. Maybe his grandma has the softest nicest hands in the world? You should try feeling them.

It IS kind of weird that after having sex the first time he compares you to his grandmother. Its supposed to be a calm nice intiamte moment. It would ruin my day if my boyfriend said that. And I wouldn't take that as a compliment, I would be weirded out.

Maybe YOU wouldn't take it as a compliment, but maybe he was saying it as one, if u know him well enough than you could act a little more appropriate to this

I honestly don't understand how that's really bad. My grandmother had some lovely hands. Nice and soft. Old does not necessarily mean hard and crusty.

It totally is a worthwhile compliment--just not one you want to hear DURING SEX!

TryToBeKind 0

some people just say really random things during sex