By flavored - 18/11/2013 15:26 - United States

By flavored - 18/11/2013 15:26 - United States
By notsexy - 09/05/2009 15:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/07/2009 09:23 - United States
By welted - 01/01/2010 05:21 - Canada
By BlueBirdWings - 06/03/2012 07:20 - Canada
By BlueBirdWings - 31/05/2019 02:30
By katie - 23/08/2019 06:00 - United States - Chicago
By Skittles - 13/08/2017 20:00
By Anonymous - 14/02/2011 17:15 - Belgium
By banana - 26/02/2009 03:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/02/2013 19:11 - Canada - Toronto
Should've tried cherry instead.
I've heard they all taste the same though.
then what's the point of the numerous flavours? ^^^
Shall we sponsor a FML taste test then? It's only official once we get a majority vote.
game on! if we get the votes
We should do that. I'll be the one that wears the condoms.
^^ despo! we neede the votes remember!
Woooah, we have the same picture
Mine too #24!
Strawberry flavored condoms. That's amazing!
I never understood the concept of flavored condoms. A ****** can't taste them. And having one on while receiving fellatio seems like it would do no justice to either party. The taste of rubber, and 0 sensation. Am I missing out on something?
personally never used them, but maybe some people use them so they dont get unwanted stuff in their mouth while doing 'fellatio'
82. If you wear one to begin with for the right reason. Then you won't get 'stuff' on your penis. And you won't have to wear them for the wrong and awkward reasons. While receiving fellatio.
flavoured condoms also leave flavour behind in the female's bits, so when the male does oral to her it tastes like strawberry or banana or chocolate, whichever tickles your fancy.
It does! But why do people give head with condoms on anyway?
Point taken 88
Because they don't. like the taste of spunk?
105. People wear condoms during sex to avoid those too. Ultimately, condoms were designed as a method of birth control. Not a STD preventative. It just happens to be a multi-function tool
They taste pretty amazing... It's like you get candy and sex at the same time
At least you'd make it on 1000 Ways To Die.
Way to die number 478, "in too deep".
Why thank you.
Was it that small?
strawberry cockcicle....
At least you're trying..
At least it wasn't a Brie stick
I'm sure your boyfriend can't complain!
seems like you enjoyed it more than your boyfriend.
At least you'd make it on 1000 Ways To Die.
Well, nothing for me to say "cockcicle" says it all