By Anonymous - 08/08/2014 06:13 - Singapore

Today, my boss pretty much told me that I'm too ugly to meet clients, and should stay in the office doing the paperwork. So basically, I'm a modern day Hunchback of Notre Dame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 764
You deserved it 3 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that's anything to go by, on the bright side, you're going to get a smoking hot girlfriend soon!!

tony1891 22

at this point i believe i would have told my boss **** you.


If that's anything to go by, on the bright side, you're going to get a smoking hot girlfriend soon!!

Redoxx_fml 22

And have Phobos steal her in the end

You must work at Abercrombie & Fitch then. Because you know how the owner is.

I doubt the owner of Abercrombie & Fitch would even hire people he doesn't find to be attractive to do paperwork in the back.

So I guess no promotions in the near future ey?

Trying to sound like a Canadian, ey?

46, maybe she is a Canadian. Or maybe that's just how she speaks.

I'm just a Canadian that migrated to America.

markcallanan_ 20

First! (Notice the sarcasm dripping)

markcallanan_ 20

It's ok, the FML gods will show him their wrath :)

They just can't handle your beauty :')

That's strange. I kinda hate Aquaman too o.O

And we all hate your feet, uglyfeet.

I didn't think I needed to add a sarcasm indicator but obviously people are too stupid to understand

tony1891 22

at this point i believe i would have told my boss **** you.

ninjuh_wingman 29

I suppose OP could do that if they decide that they're ok with getting fired.

tony1891 22

i wouldn't worry about getting fired if my boss is that big of a douche

octinate 17

#18 obviously you don't have bills to pay and jobs grow on trees where you live...

ShadowlessSpear 21

Jobs kinda do grow on trees, if you think about it.

There are jobs everywhere. The only problem is they are ones people don't want to do generally.

I thought about it and still couldn't figure out which tree. I guess I'm not as smart as you are. So help me out, will you?

tony1891 22

48 you're right. you're not as smart as me. I'm the smartest guy alive! but its ok. we can still be friends.... some day

Slam a door in his face. See how good HE looks after that! (Or she :3 )

#58 This reminds me of the Spongebob episode where Squidward gets slammed in the face by a door. If OP is trying to get the boss to look uglier, this plan might not work out the way he/she hopes.

Redoxx_fml 22

You should song a song about it. That's how Disney characters handle their problems.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, you can fix ugly but you can't fix stupid.

christina3466 17

Your boss sounds like an ass. Screw him!

I'm doubtful that sex would resolve this situation.

TuFatSnaka 3

Grab him by the clocktower and ring his bell

I'm not sure if you mean op should kick the boss's ass or give him a sexual favor.

joemud 13

Sorry op, try and think positive, at least you have a job. Smile and have a good day!