By kufan1324 - 05/06/2012 03:47 - United States

Today, my boss became obsessed with a movie about a pimp. He now refers to all my female coworkers as his "bitches" and refuses to treat us like human beings. Whenever we make a mistake, he rolls his eyes and laughs, "So typical of a prostie." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 176
You deserved it 3 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheElderTROLLZ 15


Spottedfeather 7

Prostie ? What country was this in ?

KingCeltic77 18

Report him to human resources and his superiors. Well see how much of a pimp he is after that.

Amajean 7
sarahrocrocrocks 5

LMFAO. but sorry, that sucksss..

Sue him and make some money out of it!

Video tape him at work talking to you and the other females this way and sue. Look a bitch needs her money.

I'm sure he's crossing more than a few lines acting like that... Surely it'd be upsetting others as well? Take action! I'd like to think a boss couldn't be that stupid...

Is there some kind of upper management/board that op could report him to? I don't know what went on in his mind for him to think that that was appropriate to do in the workplace.