By dullstuff - 21/07/2011 12:34 - Belgium

Today, my bike got stolen because I left my keys in the lock. On my way home, I saw my bike in front of a store, unlocked. I jumped on it, only to get punched in the face by the guy that had taken it, and got it stolen from me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 583
You deserved it 13 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellanlvr 1

Grand Theft Auto: Bike Edition

well you have to rip off the bicycle seat and see to it he is anally raped by the pole while he makes his get away ;)


Jerret 6

maybe next time you'll remember to take your keys with you.

you're a puss and shouldn't be riding a bike. you deserve a scooter.

fropleyquark 0

it's almost like this was the exact same fml from a few weeks ago. but.... I'm sure it happened to you too.

charadeyouare 0

if only you had taken the key out...

xSexyBeastx69 0

lmao thats funny as hell! sorry buy i wouldve beat the dudes ass i wouldve put my 5 years of mixed martial arts to good use xD

...and then all bike look like yours...thus setting up an endless storm of getting the shit kicked out of you

fruitinthemiddle 1

Wow... something freakishly similar happened to my friend. She had been sad the whole day because her bike seat was stolen, so we decided to take a walk. She found it on someones bike. We knew it was hers because it has her name on the inside and two scratches on the side. She took it and left a note saying "you stole my bike seat so I stole it back!" and then we made pumpkin soup at her apartment.