By dullstuff - 21/07/2011 12:34 - Belgium

Today, my bike got stolen because I left my keys in the lock. On my way home, I saw my bike in front of a store, unlocked. I jumped on it, only to get punched in the face by the guy that had taken it, and got it stolen from me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 583
You deserved it 13 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellanlvr 1

Grand Theft Auto: Bike Edition

well you have to rip off the bicycle seat and see to it he is anally raped by the pole while he makes his get away ;)


shietTAY 3

Maybe you have a really nice bike..

You kinda deserved it. Why the hell would you leave the keys in your lock?

Call the cops? Record the serial number?

you should have locked the bike back up and left then come back with proof of purchase

why would you leave the key there smarty.

why would you leave the key there smarty.