By waiting till marriage, she said - 10/06/2015 15:28 - United States - Pasadena

Today, my apparently insane and now ex-girlfriend actually claimed she didn't technically cheat on me, because she set her Facebook relationship to "single" before screwing my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 171
You deserved it 2 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd be more upset at your brother's betrayal. He had equal part in this too.

Time to set your relation status to single and your siblings to none!


Read your brother the bro code for crying out loud

I hope you knock some sense into your brother.

It didn't count; it was no longer Facebook official. Really though, sorry for the loss, OP. Maybe the next one won't be so crazy.

Some girls are crazy motherfuckers. Shit move on your brothers part

Dude, this shouldn't even be an fml it should be a **** yeah I'm no longer with that girl night out with your buddies.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'd be more pissed at the brother, honestly. I can't even imagine the level of betrayal I'd feel if my sister slept with a guy I was dating. Of course it sucks to be cheated on by your significant other in any case, but with a sibling? In my opinion, that's pretty much the height of betrayal. How could you do that to family? :(