By VDM - 03/06/2013 21:16 - France - Poissy

Today, my 6-year-old son was so angry at me for not buying him overpriced candy at the airport that he told a security guard I had a machine gun in my suitcase. The interrogation was not pleasant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 610
You deserved it 8 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EdwardC777 9

That beyond blows. Airport security isn't fun when you're NOT being accused of smuggling firearms

when he goes into the next grade, tell the teacher he lies about everything he says and to never ever trust him, *wink*


needsagf14 12

I hope you beat your kid's ass for acting like that.

RedPillSucks 31

For the kid? Cause it's too late for the dad.

Whiteheart55 8

I'd beat the hell outta that kid!

havahnegila 22

Holy shit get your son in line!

SynysterV17 3

You better have discipline him well take away all electronics hell even a good spanking for that its not right to lie and can't always get what you want

I'd beat his ass and teach him how a kid is supposed to act--let alone some respect. Buy a cage and put him in it, too.