By a fat fucking shit and proud of it - 28/06/2014 19:09 - United Kingdom - Camberley

Today, it's been less than a week since I finally got a job, after over a year of searching. I just found out that there's about to be a wave of layoffs. I haven't even gotten my first paycheck, and already I'm going to lose my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 386
You deserved it 3 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't know that yet OP!!! Don't lose hope, and outwork the other workers. If you give up just because you heard of this "wave" you are going to be demotivated, and coworkers and your bosses will easily detect that demotivation, and then you really are ******!

If he was hired recently enough that he hasn't even received a paycheck, the odds of him being laid off are slim. He was most likely hired with other new people to replace people that have been there the companies about to lay off / fire.


Don't worry, OP, I don't think they would hire somebody only to fire them. You're probably safe, but you might want to start looking for a plan b just in case.

So why would those idiots be hiring? >.

kudwafuuu 15

It wouldn't really make sense for a company to hire someone new and to lay them off so quickly, but people in companies do really stupid and pointless things very often. Hope you still have your job OP, I only just got a job last week after searching for months so I know it can get difficult. You can try applying for more places regardless of if you keep your job or not and maybe find a place where your poison would be more secure.

kudwafuuu 15

If you've already worked their it's illegal for them to lay you off without some form of payment t

FroggerForReal 11

At this point you gotta be smart by working your ass off and absolutely no bs at work like all you do is work like a machine while sweet talking to your boss. Also in being smart you also have to be prepared and start job hunting and make sure you're not a sitting duck. Don't be too proud beggars can't be choosers so until the time being do whatever you have to before moving up. I hope it works out for you OP

Ahh this job search!! It's killing me! :(

KatyLarae 13

Maybe you'll be fine! You impressed them enough to get the job!

Keep your hope up OP you never know, just in case work harder to show that you're a good employee

I agree with you #1. AND a positive attitude makes a world of difference. Don't give up because you heard a rumor!

driaa 15

Same thing happened with me working at "Dots fashions" I feel you OP