By notgonnaeatthat - 17/03/2016 20:40 - Germany

Today, it appears that moth larvae can make a water boiler their home, especially during my absence for four weeks. I learned it the hard way by pouring their boiled carcasses over my noodles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 697
You deserved it 2 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sandhusaurous 6

On the plus side, at least you're just the human with screwed up noodles and not the boiled carcass.


sandhusaurous 6

the world is telling you to eat more protein.

meli1195 31

I'm pretty sure some soap and water will suffice. Unless OP is loaded and can afford to replace all their pots and pans

why does everyone on this app have a stick up their ass? **** off

Most accurate description of this app by far ??

On the plus side, at least you're just the human with screwed up noodles and not the boiled carcass.

They do add their own umami to the noodles.

Firmly regretting eating / drinking anything for st . Patrick's day . That that is ******* disgusting

At least you didn't make tea first and have to drink from the cup before realizing.

That's a delicacy for bridge trolls. Just leave some under a nearby toll bridge and they will reward you handsomely.