By Tj Hunt - 05/11/2012 03:26 - United States

Today, in the middle of a hot air balloon ride with my girlfriend, I asked her to marry me. She said no. The rest of the ride was the most awkward two hours of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 732
You deserved it 4 464

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AbstraktThoughts 13

Should've thrown that bitch off. Haha jk. Sorry op :((

muckdog19 2

That really sucks. Usually you talk about it first though. Not surprise them. If you did that then you would've been more aware of what her answer would be.


cokee1233 5

At the end of the balloon ride! At the end!

Christel239 5

She went from girlfriend to ballast pretty quick. Crap... Well done 36.

agonydrum 7

You should have just kept asking her...seems like the most mature option

will you marry me? no will you marry me? no will you marry me? no will you marry me? no will you marry me? no will you marry me? IF I SAY YES, WILL YOU SHUT THE **** UP? Yes I can totally see how that would work!

the space between no and will disappeared :/

sweetmama88 6

You should have waited until the ride was over. She sound like a real winner .

Well, whenever you surprise people you have to be prepared to be surprised yourself, since you can't guarantee how someone will act when caught unprepared. Depending on how was her "no" said, maybe you should try again later, since it's possible she just needed time to think and only said no because it was too sudden and unexpected.

guyverzerox 6

Funny I could have sworn I've read this happen on FML before well if you don't learn the mistake from others your doomed to make them yourself