By thank god you'll only live once - 08/11/2013 20:12 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, in the lunch line at school, a kid literally ordered a "hamburger with extra swag." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 145
You deserved it 3 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Don't worry. In lunch lady jargon, "swag" is a synonym for "spit."


The lunchlady should stuff the patty inside her pants "swag" it all over her ass and feed it to the kid and say "theres your ******* swag kid! come again!"

seriously what the hell is this world coming too.........

perdix 29

Really? How could he have "figuratively" ordered a hamburger with extra swag? Everybody's up in arms about new words like YOLO and swag (that are going to be forgotten in a few months), but we don't care that the fine word "literally" is losing it's meaning and just becoming a generic intensifier. The butchering of "literally" has me far more worried than transient slang. When was the last time you were assaulted with "gag me with a spoon?" See, that shit dies.

Wow this generation is going to be in history books as a mistake I see it

dman798 18

Let's hope he never becomes someone with power