By thank god you'll only live once - 08/11/2013 20:12 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, in the lunch line at school, a kid literally ordered a "hamburger with extra swag." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 145
You deserved it 3 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Don't worry. In lunch lady jargon, "swag" is a synonym for "spit."


radioedit 7

Punch him as hard as u can in the face

should've give him an extra punch in the face

He will most likely drop out soon and you won't have yo worry about it again

Memphis has a frozen yogurt place here called Yolo. (It opened before that neologism got popular.) So you could get a side of yolo froyo here!

Well, it's official... I've completely lost faith in the world.

TrackGirl19 29

"Cheeseburger, extra swag and a large yolo to drink." "That'll be 25 shizzles"

I would have given him the buns. Just the buns. And said here is your swag.