By Anonymous - 01/12/2018 13:30

Today, in addition to having to deal with chronic pain that keeps me from driving for more than 10 minutes, I now have to deal with my brother who thinks I'm not paying him enough for taking me to school 2 days a week, when he does the journeys for himself anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 539
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell mom. No one likes a tattle-tale, but sometimes you got to. Mama will smack him down for gouging you!

chessu 21

I'd say it's a bit trickier than that. Yeah, theoretically, they're both in the car, so 50/50 isn't necessarily an unfair split, but then again the brother is driving there regardless of the OP, so he would be paying x amount for it anyway, so whatever he gets from the OP is already extra savings for him. Plus it's his family and it's not like it's excessive (twice a week when he's going that way anyway). I would appreciate a little something in that situation to even it, but I wouldn't necessarily expect it. I certainly wouldn't make a drama out of not being paid enough. It's not like I'd be going out of my way or doing something I wouldn't be doing anyway.


So you are driving age. You can drive, but not for long. Your brother is being gracious enough to drive you there. Frankly you should be paying gas 50/50...

chessu 21

I'd say it's a bit trickier than that. Yeah, theoretically, they're both in the car, so 50/50 isn't necessarily an unfair split, but then again the brother is driving there regardless of the OP, so he would be paying x amount for it anyway, so whatever he gets from the OP is already extra savings for him. Plus it's his family and it's not like it's excessive (twice a week when he's going that way anyway). I would appreciate a little something in that situation to even it, but I wouldn't necessarily expect it. I certainly wouldn't make a drama out of not being paid enough. It's not like I'd be going out of my way or doing something I wouldn't be doing anyway.

Can you not read? They can't drive for more than 10 minutes due to chronic pain. So no, they're not choosing not to drive. And the brother drives there anyway, and was already getting fuel money. 🤦🏽‍♀️🙄

Tell mom. No one likes a tattle-tale, but sometimes you got to. Mama will smack him down for gouging you!

YallDeservedItJk 22

Why are you even paying him? He’s your brother; he shouldn’t expect payment for doing things for you. That’s ****** up.

Gofuckyourself 24

I feel for you and pray you get well soon. Your brother is a jerk for not being as understanding and empathetic as much as he should be. Maybe have a heart to heart with him about the situation?