By imawesome - 02/03/2012 03:54 - United States

Today, I wondered if my orgasms are worth the bother, seeing as I get horrible "I feel like I'm dying" cramps every time I climax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 973
You deserved it 2 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

Might want to see a doctor about that.

If it really hurts bad, you should see a doctor, no joke.


"La petite mort" the french call it "a little death." I wonder if yours is a little literal

redmnky21 8

either he has no clue what he's doing, u have no clue what an ****** actually feels like, or there's something wrong with u

That's usually a sign of Clamidia or gonnoreah. U need to go to an obgyn or go to the ER.

monkiki62 5

Me too but it's normal. It happens to some women.

I've been told that orgasms help with cramps, not cause them. O_o

kaykay5324 0

Do you mean AFTER the sex, OP? Because I have gotten them from *ahem* rigorous sex before... Maybe ask your partner to be a bit more gentle? Or maybe just more foreplay or something...??

Are you sure you don't need to take a crap?

From what I've heard, that happens when he's entering you at a weird angle. I've experienced something like that too. Try a different position. :)

Please go get yourself checked out. That's not normal and could be a sign that something severely wrong is going on in your body.