By CantBlink - 16/07/2012 18:25 - United States - Jersey City

Today, I woke up with a pimple on my eyelid. Not only is it impossible to cover up with makeup, I can't pop it either. Now I'll be spending the rest of the day trying not to blink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 678
You deserved it 2 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay by the end of the day you'll have broken some kind of guiness worded record for the longest held stare as well as creeped the shit out of everyone around you :)

Good idea! When in doubt, poke your eye with a needle.


I have the same thing on my eye and I've had it for ten months now :'(

alanysrayne 1

Put hot wash cloth compress.

AnnaPhase 0

I don't think it's a pimple. It's probably a stigh. D: You have to get that removed in the hospital.

dillydonkaa 1

Ahhh I think I know ur problem of it is on the inside of your eye lid it's called a stye I get these semi often they go away and pop after a few days to help it along get a bowl of hot water and a napkin or cotton ball of u have soak the napkin or cotton ball in the hot water aply to ur eye and do this for about 10-15 for like 4 times a day should help

At least you will be immune to blinking round weeping angels!!!

All you have to do is put a damn wash cloth in the microwave for 10-15 seconds n put it on your eye for a couple of days then it'll go away.