By CantBlink - 16/07/2012 18:25 - United States - Jersey City

Today, I woke up with a pimple on my eyelid. Not only is it impossible to cover up with makeup, I can't pop it either. Now I'll be spending the rest of the day trying not to blink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 678
You deserved it 2 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay by the end of the day you'll have broken some kind of guiness worded record for the longest held stare as well as creeped the shit out of everyone around you :)

Good idea! When in doubt, poke your eye with a needle.


It's a sty probably, clean it regularly it will drain out.

I had one on the inside of my bottom eyelid a few weeks ago. It looked like I was stoned.

If it's a zit, put toothpaste on it. It'll be gone in a matter of hours.

It's a pimple. Who gives a shit if someone sees it for a second. We all get pimples.

It might me a stye. If you pop it it can really hurt your eye. I think you should wait for it to go away and just wear sunglasses or something.

Hi, I actually posted this. The "stye" I guess its called has almost gone away! I tried a few if you're home remedies and they really helped. Thanks everyone!

They aren't called pimples, they are called Sty's and no you can't pop them because there isn't any puss in them.

It's probably a "cyst". I used to get them when I was younger. Get eye cream at Walgreens and/or put a hot (but not too hot) tea bag on it every night until it goes away. It sounds crazy, but it works. Don't pop it. You'll just get more.

mz_luna 2

IT COULD BE A STY DON'T TRY TO POP IT! This is a bacterial infection that forms along the eyelid near the eyelash. A hot rag and not touching it usually helps but in many cases you must see a doctor got eye drops! ;) good luck