By jibberish - 22/11/2009 00:15 - United States

Today, I woke up after drunkenly hooking up with a girl who was really into Twilight. I felt bruises on the lower end of my neck and so I went to the mirror and checked it out. She bit me, 5 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 690
You deserved it 38 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for hooking up with a Twilight fan. Stupid ******* misogynistic shit like that should NEVER be passed off as actual literature. The whole series can pretty much summed up with, "EDWARD CULLEN WAS SO HAWT I CAME GLITTER" I wish I could be a deranged mormon housewife so I could make millions off a book series - based off creepy sexual fantasies for a sparkling douchenozzle - that glorifies/romanticizes shallow relationships based on lust, stalking, and werewolves falling in love with baby children.

you deserve it for not being turned off by a girl into "Twatlight"


MiseryAlice 0

This is why we should add twilight to the banned books series...

FairLouisa 0

Has anyone made this pun yet? I agree, your life "sucks?" Bahahahaha! No, but really. It's your fault. 1) Hooking up with someone you don't know. 2) Hooking up with a Twilighter *shudder* There is nothing wrong with liking the books but if you already knew she was obsessed with them, enough to bite you, you should have gotten the hellz out.

You're gonna turn into a vampire! And not the cool kind of vampire, the sparkly kind of vampire!


**** Titlight. I have to admit I liked the series before it was popular, because my 8th grade teacher recommended the book since I needed something to read in class. But the fan-base is absolutely atrocious, and after looking back, I see how ridiculous the entire series really is in terms of how it's written, etc. It's freaking cliche. Although I would not prefer to be bitten, I have no problem with those who think biting and nibbling is hot. That's their business when it comes to their kinky sex and make-out sessions. But if you've read Twilight, think you're a vampire, and bite somebody on the neck, then you're a freaking idiot.

it's partly your fault because one: theyre are almost no moderate fans of twilight. almost all of them are completely obsesssed and she was drunk. not a smart thing

and how would you know? My friend and I are both 'fans' of Twilight, but we're not obsessed or anything. We sit there and whinge about the crap bits, and we both enjoy other books/movies (like Harry Potter) more. It's not our favourite or anything, but we like it.

Ooouch!! That must've hurt! Sure, I love to give and receive firm to light bites on the body, but leaving bruises purposely? I set limits on leaving marks where it can be publicly seen. To me, seeing Piss Marks on people's necks or other body parts looks a bit tacky.

Ummm... some people just bite when making out and stuff. Has nothing to do with Twilight.

diosadeluna 0

first, just b/c she bit you doesn't mean that that comes from her retarded obsession with twilight. second, you're a ******* pussy for whining about a couple of bites.

PonPonPattaPon 0

most people bite necks. Duuhhhuhuhuhhh.

liking twilight a lot + biting someone's neck during a hook up does not = I'm obsessed and think I'm a vampire. I happen to love being bit on my neck. It feels amazing.