By danii - 04/10/2011 01:19 - Reserved

Today, I woke up after a few friends came over last night. There are eggs, coins and Oreos glued to the ceiling, 10 broken jars, no food left, and most of the contents of my house are in the garden. And I'm naked and covered in permanent marker drawings of Pokémon. My parents return in an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 279
You deserved it 54 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Instead of writing an FML you could be cleaning! Priorities my friend


Cut your arm and make sure to draw blood. Now, you were a victim of a house break in.

perdix 29

At least you'll be ready for the Homecoming Dance. You need to back off of the hooch. I'm not saying you should be a teetotaler, but you're drinking way too much.

rocklvr15 0

Maybe you should get a move on!

jaredofmo 22

Take a shower, clean what you can, and face the music.

Then get off FML and clean up... QUICK!!!

Why are you writing an FML now?! Get to work!

xMiss_Maggot 7

why you writing this fml when you got a lot of shit to clean up?!

This is why your parents dont let you have parties.