By LaineyLove - 09/05/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. For the past year, my stomach would get upset every time I ate. Attempting to ease the pain, I would always eat a piece of bread. My doctor told me I have Celiac disease, which means I'm allergic to gluten. I'm allergic to bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 536
You deserved it 8 208

LaineyLove tells us more.

I'm the one who wrote the FML. I'll clear some things up for those of you who think I deserved it. The FMLs have to be short so I couldn't write the whole story. My main symptoms were severe joint and muscle pain along with cramping and headaches. The stomach pain was constant, not just when I ate bread. I had a hard time even digesting vegetables. I went to doctors practically every week and scoured the internet. I was finally "diagnosed" with fibromyalgia and IBS. My first Celiac blood test came back negative, but finally my gastroenterologist figured it out. I'm now gluten-free, and I'm feeling much better (although hungry). And I'm a pre-med student, so I'm not an idiot. I saw at least 5 different doctors and specialists. I even went to Mayo Clinic. Celiac can be a very difficult diagnosis as the symptoms are often non-specific. Thanks for all the tips on gluten-free food. It's time for me to start cooking!

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

that does suck. but. didn't the bread just make you feel worse? and if so, why did you keep eating it each time?

Linesksc 0

Im sorry... I know what that one is like... they thought I had that too. There are plenty of support groups out there, and a lot of alternatives.. keep your head up!!!!


I have Celiac too. I was diagnosed when I was four years old, so i've been gluten free for almost 14 years now. It's not that bad, once you get used to it. And you end up feeling a ton better, trust me. The more you do it, the easier it is. There's a ton of websites and support groups and stuff. There's also a decent ammount of substitution products out there. As far as bread goes, invest in a breadmaker and get "Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Bread Mix." It's amazing. There's also a lot of pre-made shit out there. They have tons of food options, even a gluten free isle at stores like Whole Foods and some vitamin shops. Brandwise, there's two companies that are pretty solid, EnerG and SansGluten. They're both pretty incredible and have quality shit that's totally safe. Whatever you do, don't give up. It's tough at first but after you get used to it, it's not bad at all. Just be really cautious at first, because if you go gluten free for a while and then screw up, it's 10 times worse. And intentionally cheating on the diet isn't worth it, not in the slightest, trust me. It's not so bad, after you get used to it. Just try to take it slowly and do it one step at a time. You'll feel better though, guarenteed. Best of luck to you, let me know if there's anything else you need advice on. Feel free to email me ([email protected]) if you have any questions about anything.

And you're too dumb to notice that the bread doesn't help?

... it took you an ENTIRE year to figure that out?...

I know all about it bud. At 16 I was lecturing to doctors here in Montana. If you have any questions feel free to get a hold of us @ [email protected] It's not really as bad as it could be. At least you figured it out! Oh and it's both Celiac and Coeliac. Celiac is the more widely recognized spelling, the other is reference to Coeliac Sprue which they thought to be related to Tropical Sprue but without being able to trace the source of the infection. Now they don't call it Sprue at all knowing it's a genetic inability to create the amino acids necessary to digest the gluten base protein. It's really an easy diet once you get going... Oh, and give either Red Bridge or Green's Beer a try, both are pretty decent if you're a beer drinker.

YDI, you should have gone to the doctor's earlier, and you would have gained heaps of weight if you didn't work all those carbs off.

My best friend has it too. Celiac is horrible, but be glad you are diagnosed. She went through years of stomach pain and many doctors before learning she had it. I think most Celiac sufferers do the eat-bread-to-ease-pain-oops thing. Support groups and expensive groceries are in your future, but consider something else: If you know another language, check out some other countries. In Brazil where I am at the moment (speaking barely a word of Portuguese), every ingredient list seems to be followed by "SEM GLUTEN" or "COM GLUTEN," without or with gluten. I seem to recall seeing it a lot in Switzerland too, good if you speak German or French, and maybe Italian (especially as you speak English; otherwise only the Italian canton, Ticino, is inviting).

I have Celiac's. It sucks, but trust me, your life could be worse.

Ouch, that sucks. Not just bread... but anything with gluten in it, which is so much food! There are ways around it though.

pyrogirl4991 0

I can totally relate. My story is very similar. My mom, grandmother and i all have Celiac. I was just diagnosed in November '08. My mom had gone away for a week to a convention and it was just my dad and I. The entire week all we ate was pasta and pizza (and the food i would get at the restuarant i work at). 2 weeks after my mom got back, I started having some serious stomach issues and was diagnosed.

Celiac does suck. And to #4 it actually it is called Celiac Disease.. My mom had Celiac for more than 30 years without knowing it. She repeatedly went to the doctors and they thought she had a mental problem. When my mom was finally diagonsed, she was so malnourished she had rickets.. Life isn't so bad with celiac when you know you have it, you can still eat rice bread, rice pasta ect. :)