By LaineyLove - 09/05/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. For the past year, my stomach would get upset every time I ate. Attempting to ease the pain, I would always eat a piece of bread. My doctor told me I have Celiac disease, which means I'm allergic to gluten. I'm allergic to bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 536
You deserved it 8 208

LaineyLove tells us more.

I'm the one who wrote the FML. I'll clear some things up for those of you who think I deserved it. The FMLs have to be short so I couldn't write the whole story. My main symptoms were severe joint and muscle pain along with cramping and headaches. The stomach pain was constant, not just when I ate bread. I had a hard time even digesting vegetables. I went to doctors practically every week and scoured the internet. I was finally "diagnosed" with fibromyalgia and IBS. My first Celiac blood test came back negative, but finally my gastroenterologist figured it out. I'm now gluten-free, and I'm feeling much better (although hungry). And I'm a pre-med student, so I'm not an idiot. I saw at least 5 different doctors and specialists. I even went to Mayo Clinic. Celiac can be a very difficult diagnosis as the symptoms are often non-specific. Thanks for all the tips on gluten-free food. It's time for me to start cooking!

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

that does suck. but. didn't the bread just make you feel worse? and if so, why did you keep eating it each time?

Linesksc 0

Im sorry... I know what that one is like... they thought I had that too. There are plenty of support groups out there, and a lot of alternatives.. keep your head up!!!!


I didn't suspect I had Celiac, because I was tested for that and the results were a false negative. No need to be sarcastic. I could have worded it better, but I didn't put that much thought into it since it was just an FML not an MCAT. I didn't know it would cause such a fuss.

Thanks for all the helpful comments. I just started the GF diet, so I'm a total newbie. I wish I lived in a bigger city with Whole Foods and PF Changs :/. Ah, well. And, once again... I went to the doctor EVERY WEEK since I got sick. They tested me for Celiac - it was negative! The bread didn't make me feel worse. The pain was a continuous 24/7 thing. Because of what Celiac does to your stomach, digesting ANYTHING is extremely painful. And to those of you who say it isn't a big deal, you're right in only one respect - it isn't a big dealing to not eat gluten. What is a big deal is the year and a half I've lost of my life to excruciating stomach, joint and muscle pain. Celiac hurts more than your stomach, because it stops you from absorbing nutrients. I had days where I couldn't walk more than a block. That's a big deal, and it's really not something to laugh about. And to the person who said "what if it was a tumor and it was too late to save you", I was tested for a brain tumor. Thanks for bringing back the memories, bud.

that_guy321 2

hey! i know someone that's had stomach problem for a year and they just found out the have that! no joke either weird lol

Kira_fml 0

that means you can't have malt either! no beer for you!

i have celiac too.. ive known since i was 8 and now im 16. no rye, barley, oats, or wheat. suck it up, its not that bad. i had to go on meds for 3 years because i had done so much damage to my intestines. but look on the bright side, you'll be eating so much healthier because donuts, cupcakes, pizza, or anything breaded and deep-fried are gone. so yeah, best of luck with your new diet :)

oh and i had a ton of complications similar to yours; i couldnt walk, and i lost a HUGE amount of weight. im still extremely skinny after 8 years. but yeah once you get going on the diet you'll feel a huge difference. there are a ton of people getting diagnosed more and more these days, so hopefully that means more food will be available. and you said its hard to find gf food? ask your local grocery store about ordering specialty foods. they probably dont carry it on their shelves but they can order it in for you. thats what i do

this is the person who was #81 coming back to say a few more things: 1. Never put on an s to Celiac you ignorant people. It isn't named after someone, therefore it isn't Celiac's, and Celiacs is multiple people. 2. you said your test showed up negative. My mom's was negative and she has it. Have someone look at your test again, because if you are IGA deficient, your test comes back negative, but the IGA level is 0. This basically means that you're IGA deficient and the test shows nothing at all.

jilliankathryn 0

I am going through the same thing. My bloodwork came back negative as well, but I have continued to eat gluten free and I feel great. We're still waiting for my endoscopy results to come back. It is frustrating at first, but once you come to terms with it you'll be fine! Many restaurants, including Pizzeria Uno have gluten free menus. Only 1 out of 40 people with Celiac get diagnosed, but even so it's out there much more than it used to be. Good luck with everything and I hope you feel better!

my mom made my dad sourdough bread and eggs every day trying to get him better from his sickness...turns out he had celiac disease. so i know exactly how you feel.

allicat486 0

I've been gluten free for 8+ years. Best thing that has ever happened to me. It is hard but I've learned how to cook amazing gluten free foods, that none of my friends or family members can tell are gluten free if they didn't know. If you want any tips (I've also lived in small towns and had to order foods online due to lack of access to gluten free items) I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. my email is [email protected] I have great recipes for bread, pizza (which is the hardest to live without), cookies, cakes, lasagna, granola bars, and many other items that you will end up craving. To anyone reading this post I would love to share my advice with any of you. Please just ask. I also had to live in a college dorm for 2 years so I have tips on how to deal with that problem as well. I'm not saying it's easy to live gluten free, and yes I lost tons of weight at first, but I have leaned to eat a balanced diet and live a very happy healthy gluten free life!!!