I'm just saying…

By dirty boy - 05/07/2021 11:00

Today, what started as an amazing day with hiking, a picnic, more hiking, then a romantic nature walk, ended in a ridiculous screaming match between me and my boyfriend. I only asked him to shower before laying in our bed when we got home, since we were covered in sweat, bug bites and dirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 045
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Does he find dirt and insects sexually arousing? Maybe there's some unidentified paraphilia lurking about.

Honestly that sounds like a long ass exhausting day


Does he find dirt and insects sexually arousing? Maybe there's some unidentified paraphilia lurking about.

Lord_Hades 14

Sweaty sex is hot! Buy a washing machine

FYI you can’t wash off bug bits in the shower… those will still be there when you get in bed.

Honestly that sounds like a long ass exhausting day