By LaineyLove - 09/05/2009 07:05 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor. For the past year, my stomach would get upset every time I ate. Attempting to ease the pain, I would always eat a piece of bread. My doctor told me I have Celiac disease, which means I'm allergic to gluten. I'm allergic to bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 536
You deserved it 8 208

LaineyLove tells us more.

I'm the one who wrote the FML. I'll clear some things up for those of you who think I deserved it. The FMLs have to be short so I couldn't write the whole story. My main symptoms were severe joint and muscle pain along with cramping and headaches. The stomach pain was constant, not just when I ate bread. I had a hard time even digesting vegetables. I went to doctors practically every week and scoured the internet. I was finally "diagnosed" with fibromyalgia and IBS. My first Celiac blood test came back negative, but finally my gastroenterologist figured it out. I'm now gluten-free, and I'm feeling much better (although hungry). And I'm a pre-med student, so I'm not an idiot. I saw at least 5 different doctors and specialists. I even went to Mayo Clinic. Celiac can be a very difficult diagnosis as the symptoms are often non-specific. Thanks for all the tips on gluten-free food. It's time for me to start cooking!

Top comments

fretforyerlatte 0

that does suck. but. didn't the bread just make you feel worse? and if so, why did you keep eating it each time?

Linesksc 0

Im sorry... I know what that one is like... they thought I had that too. There are plenty of support groups out there, and a lot of alternatives.. keep your head up!!!!


good luck! i have it also. luckily, in the past 10 years, more and more gluten free food is on the market. it is a challenge, but looking at many of the responses to your post, there are many supporters out there! good lcuk!!!!

You dipshits who say the OP is an idiot for not knowing, go swallow a knife. Do you have any idea how uncommon Celiac is, and how easy it is to dismiss stomach pain? Everyone gets stomach aches, I'm sure you've ignored them in the past. When was the last time you diagnosed yourselves with an autoimmune disease, assholes? Go play in traffic.

My mother runs a non profit for celiac disease called the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness: You can find lots of great recipes and tips for living gluten free. They have lots of cool stuff like gluten free cupcake parties. They even have events around the country, a facebook group, great blogs so I suggest you check it out. And, I don't have celiac but we eat some really awesome food...

And #140 is totally right, toast your bread before you eat sandwhiches. It makes the bread literally 50 times better. And stay away from McDonalds, their fries have wheat. Scotch and Bourbon, and some types of whiskey and most beers have either wheat, rye or barley in them, so watch out on that too.

Connection!! I have Celiac disease, too!! Here's how I get by: Glutenzymes, I take one before every meal that I'll eat gluten during and it provides me with the proper enzymes I need to break down gluten. They don't work for everyone, I'm pretty damned sure of that, but they work for me. Also it's not really an allergy, it's just your body doesn't have the proper enzymes to break down the gluten. Good luck with Celiac disease. P.S. Also there are several gluten-free breads and such that taste good, so far the only ones that actually taste like bread I've eaten at a gluten-free restaurant, if I remember the name I'll be sure to tell you. There are also gluten-free pancakes, croissants, a whole lot of stuff, really.

My sis has celiac disease (#4 it is YOU who spelled it wrong). She really enjoys Kinnikinnack (sp?) products. They taste and feel the most similar to normal bread products. Also for tons of recipes just substitute potato flour or xanthum gum in for flour. If you have a facebook there is an App called Causes, one of which is celiac awareness. It gives a lot of good sources for food alternatives. Also, Outback Steakhouse and Pizza Uno's have gluten-free menus if you want to go out to eat.

those doctors can be nasty little *******.

Hah, thanks OP. I just think it's stupid of people to think they know what they're talking about when they have no idea what someone with Celiac feels or goes through. It's bad enough without everyone giving you shit for it, you know?

Hah, thanks, OP. Yeah I just think it's really stupid of people to give you shit for something like this. They have no idea how hard it is at first or what Celiacs go through, and they think they'd know what they're doing if they got hit with something like this. Oh, and if you didn't read it, read my comment #169. There's a bunch of stuff in there you might find useful. I hope.