By Anonymous - 28/07/2009 17:25 - Belgium

Today, I went to see a movie. While buying tickets, the girl behind the counter asked to show my ID card to proof I'm at least 16 years old. Not wanting to make a drama, I showed it. She took a look at it and declared it as fake. That ID is real and I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 021
You deserved it 3 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it this way - lots of people would kill and pay a good sum of money to look younger.

my friend has this happen to him at a liquor store. Said his ID was fake, though her really was from colorado, and the ID was real. take it as a compliment tho lol


I hate when people think I am younger than I am. I'm 18, but people always think that I'm still 15 or 16!! WTH? I think its because I have freckles. I hate those damn freckles...

$10 Says the OP is black, and that the lady behind the counter was white. I know, because im black, and this kinda shit happens to me all the time. Damn racist people, ESPECIALLY when it comes to cops. They stereotype too much, and assume that just cuz im black and walking outside at 2am, that im about to rob somebody.

Lichinamo 33

"The OP's black, and the lady's white?" That's actually very racist. I know this may come as a shock to you, but not all racists are white and not all whites are racist. People of every race can be racist.

Oh good! I'm not the only one with that problem! Half the places I'm trying to get a job at think that I'm 14 years old, and think my ID is fake when I show them. I'm 20 and have been looking for a job since November!

ghadir 2

wowwwww get over yourself. u think just cuz ur black that everyone is racist against you? it happens to EVERYONE! i'm arab, and i'm not even justifying ur stupid claim

^ You just proved my point. Yelling at me, youre trying to tell me about MY OWN experiences, if i said i was white, you wouldnt be flaming me.

Probably because YOU ARE about to rob someone.

You're ******* pathetic. It's ******* racist for you to think that way. And you think that because you're black you have a right to bitch about the world? No, sorry. A lot of blacks happen to be more racist than whites, but of course it isn't seen that way because they were slaves. Oh wait.. none of the blacks living today were slaves .. ever(Unless maybe you're a kinky like that). And no, I didn't say all blacks. I didn't even say 50%, just a lot. I'm not saying whites aren't racist either, but I think it's ******* even and you're a prime example of an asshole. The end.

Yes, it is clearly fake except... oh wait, what's this? They're not posting from your country? Funny story, 16 *is* correct in Belgium.

Actually, since OP was buying tickets for a movie, it's entirely possible, even if the age he needed to be was 12. However, if this was about buying alcohol, you would be completely correct as you need to be 16 for that in Belgium.

yeagerdarling 0

I think it's funny that blacks are more racist than whites are anymore. Get over it.

ghadir 2

hahahah drkwlf u owneddddddd him!

ghadir 2

and hahaha dinglenuts and i agree with you yeagerdarling

ghadir 2

and hahaha dinglenuts and i agree with you yeagerdarling

Seriously? You're calling THAT racist? And YOU are stereotyping cops, So you have no right to complain About stereotyping.

I'm 18 and people ALWAYS think I'm 12-14. The worst is that everyone thinks my 14-year-old brother is older than me.

always happens to me. I feel your pain

not so much true I get mistakes for being way younger then I am I'm 24 people say I look 16... yet I don't get carded at the bar.. heh funny I think.

Go work for Chris Hansen at To Catch a Predator.

That sucks. I'm 16 and I get asked if I'm entering middle school this year. I'm a senior in high school. :S So I know how you feel.

ihatestupidppl 0

Lol I've actually considered this. When I met my (22 year old) boyfriend's best friends, they thought he was a creep for dating a 14 year old. I'm 20 =