By Anonymous - 26/11/2010 18:18 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' for the first time in months. Upon my arrival, I found out that I won't be spending the day with them because they've taken a car trip to attend a Sarah Palin book signing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 339
You deserved it 6 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PALIN '12. maybe that's what the mayans were talking about.

I'm going to get ahead of the game and start the political controversy: I think all politicians should be rounded up, placed in a large vat, and covered with glue. Discuss.


naiboy93 0

your parents might be idiots. no offense.

CoachLlama 5

I'm guessing they live more than ten minutes away. Did they know you were coming? Maybe you need to get into politics.

MassEffectNerd 0

FYL just because your parents like Sara Palin.

Sarah Palin is stupid and unethical. FYL for being born through people who like her.

smokeymcpottt 3

How dare you, she's a nice lady!

emmanizzer 6

haha :) she is a nice lady... just not fit for politics

Any parents that would choose Sarah Palin over their kids are idiots. She's a stupid ignorant politician who doesn't deserve the kind of attention she gets.

You just described every politician, ever.

"Ignorant Politician" is another redundant phrase like close proximity, advance warning, end result, and past experience.

61: That's the joke, you dolt. I restated what he said by using two synonyms.

RainieSmiles 0


FTL for going to such a book signing. And FYL for not busting into their house and stealing all their toilet paper.

I'm going to get ahead of the game and start the political controversy: I think all politicians should be rounded up, placed in a large vat, and covered with glue. Discuss.

Ok, all politicians and lawyers. And change the glue to cement.

Why limit what chemicals you chose to use? I can think of some way more interesting ones. :P

smokeymcpottt 3

Yes, like introducing the element of the gerbil to the endothermic heat of their asses.

That actually happens more than you think, coming from an EMT, people are....interesting I guess.

Sarah Palin can write?! Jeez, you learn something new every day...

My guess is someone wrote it for her, either that or its a picture book!

either that or she reads it off a teleprompter like Obama. JS

Maybe it's a pop-up book with lots of colors and small words to keep the people of America entertained.