By ShinedownCM - 23/09/2018 05:00

Today, I went to apply for classes at a college my parents signed me up to do dual credit with. Too bad they used my sister's social security number so I don't get credit for my old classes and my new application got thrown out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 008
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you haven't, talk to the college's registrar's office. If that doesn't work, contact the dean of students office (or someone similar). My dad accidentally marked that I was a felon on my first FAFSA. (I am definitely not a felon, nor was I at 18). I temporarily lost my spot at the University and full ride scholarship. It took jumping through a boatload of hoops but perseverance paid off. I got reinstated and scholarship back. It can be overwhelming. And it can feel like you're getting nowhere. But this is your life. Be your own advocate. And when it seems like you've exhausted all options, keep trying. Good luck to you!

dual credit means they're still in high school


If you haven't, talk to the college's registrar's office. If that doesn't work, contact the dean of students office (or someone similar). My dad accidentally marked that I was a felon on my first FAFSA. (I am definitely not a felon, nor was I at 18). I temporarily lost my spot at the University and full ride scholarship. It took jumping through a boatload of hoops but perseverance paid off. I got reinstated and scholarship back. It can be overwhelming. And it can feel like you're getting nowhere. But this is your life. Be your own advocate. And when it seems like you've exhausted all options, keep trying. Good luck to you!

I got another warning for calling FML out for their shit. if they just made the app run in a somewhat decent way I wouldn't have to complain and if they actually responded to complaints I wouldn't have to go public. The amount of ads on this app are complete BS. the fact that clicking "click here to deactivate" takes you to their site is even bigger BS. **** the DEVs and **** the people who are working for free running this all.

Tell us how you really feel, let it flow like tears down your face

Hi again, Joey. We've addressed this in several warning emails... I even sent you a personal message in case you weren't receiving them, and I did not appreciate the verbal abuse I got in response. For the final time, "click here to deactivate" appears on certain ads and takes you to a website run by the ad company so you can "deactivate" (opt out of) their ads and data collection. Instead of clicking that next time, just wait 3-5 seconds and an X will appear at the top to close the ad itself. Please send future complaints to our support inbox.

The good news is you’re giving your sister a much-needed boost in her degree plan. Maybe she’ll get a good job and be able to throw a few coins into your tin cup.

onceuponatime456 16

What is wrong with you? You are old enough to go to college then you are old enough to make sure the paperwork is right! Why are your parents signing you up for anything? Grow up!

dual credit means they're still in high school

onceuponatime456 16

Irrelevant! Old enough to get those credits, old enough to do the paperwork herself!

silvermoon5033 26

Some of the paperwork has to be filled out by the parents.. My parents filled out my first FAFSA as it was more for them, than me (tax wise/income/etc)

Your parents shouldn’t be registering you for college. Grow up.

dual credit means they're still in high school

I was dating a guy and he was all flirty and kind and cute. Turned out he used me to get closer with a friend of mine not only that but after he cheated on me he made my group of friends go against me. FML