Inspirational tale

By Anonymous - 02/10/2020 02:03 - United States - Cleveland

Today, my parents got a call from my principal. I'd been lying that I couldn’t see the work I had to do in my online class, because I was behind and I needed to catch up. Tomorrow my parents are getting a call, telling them the dates I've been logged into the online learning. I haven’t logged in in weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 234
You deserved it 2 580

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yup, lying your ass off on something that's easy to verify. My kiddo tries that every so often then gets confused why he gets grounded for a month for stunts like that.

Don't expect any sympathy here. You absolutely deserve any punishment that's coming to you.


Don't expect any sympathy here. You absolutely deserve any punishment that's coming to you.

Yup, lying your ass off on something that's easy to verify. My kiddo tries that every so often then gets confused why he gets grounded for a month for stunts like that.

Yeah so, now you learned to not half ass your lies. If you’re gunna lie about something that has logs ya gotta put effort into it! There’s a difference between lazy and stupid. Lazy people would do as little work as possible the most efficient way (meaning they’d log in, use some photoshop make fake videos of errors) and then there’s...yeah sucks to be you lol

awildwhisper 30

Zero sympathy. Lying and laziness won't get you a job when you eventually graduate, if you do.

Tell your parents it's fake news and a hoax. Your principal is a radical socialist from Antifa and is part of the deep state. You've done a fantastic job with your online studies and your teachers are amazed at your intelligence and effort. You have to kick your lying game up a notch!

Hey, I've been there. It's gonna suck, but you have to catch up -now-. You knew this was coming. Get it over with amd you're golden

genuinegoodguy 9

Wasn’t this always going to happen??

It'd be a bit pointless to ground you at the moment, so say goodbye to whatever freedom you were expecting to have once the lockdowns are removed.

I would get the belt if I tried the same dumb shit when I was at that age