By waitress - 12/04/2009 02:07 - United States

Today, I was waitressing when a man sat at my table with soda from somewhere else. Drinks are half the profit for restaurants. There is a strict policy that you have to charge for carry-in drinks. I told him this, he yelled at me so I told him I was doing my job. I got fired, for doing my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 639
You deserved it 4 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. I can't believe you got fired for following company policy.

I work in retail, so I know your pain when you have a horrible customer. They threaten you and try to make you feel like a peasant. All you have to do is wait until your shift ends to do something. Nothing says "owned" better than a flat tire.


If worked at some food-chain restaurant write a complaint to the higher management that you got fired inappropriately when defending their company's policy, thus doing your job. Demand your ex-manager's job because it proves you can do it better. There's nothing you can loose - make your revenge sweet.

#14: Not exactly. A $3 soda costs the restaurant a few cents to make. It's almost pure profit. An $8 meal (assuming this is a Chilis or something) can easily cost $3-4 to make. Then the soda is about 40-50% of the profit.

I used to work at a security guard..and I lost my job for BS reasons too. The thing that pushed it over the edge was that another guard (who wanted my post) wrote me up for doing a walk-thru through the offices..which is actually doing more than my job dictates. It's still part of the building that I had to keep secure..and I get in trouble for it. Total crap.

And if you had just pretended not to notice his drink, the management would probably have criticized you for not charging him.

brkaras 0

I got fired from a similar situation as well! A customer came in who apparently had been to our restaurant numerous times. She asked if she could get happy hour. IT WAS 8 P.M. on Saturday night! All i did was tell her when happy hour was and because she was not offered something for free, she waited 3 days and wrote an online survey saying how i did not allow her to have happy hour even though it wasn't going on. I was terminated that Friday for "poor performance" after being there for a year>

you must be able to sue them for loss of income....

That kind of sucks. And terrible on the manager's part. I would not have gotten fired for doing something like that but then again maybe your Managers are jerks. I guess I should be thankful for the restaurant I work at. :D

That kind of sucks. And terrible on the manager's part. I would not have gotten fired for doing something like that but then again maybe your Managers are jerks. I guess I should be thankful for the restaurant I work at. :D

FaithX 0

Fake or lie. Soft drinks are nowhere near half the profit of a restaurant - even with the mark-up.