By Anonymous - 22/12/2010 16:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I was waiting for my food at McDonald's. I watched the most obese, sweaty man sneeze into the chips, wipe his nose on his hand and use his hand to shovel chips into a bag. They were my chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 831
You deserved it 5 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How strange to have that from a fine dining establishment like McDonalds...


@102 OP is from England, and I think in England they call french fries "chips"

laurenlovefulful 5

Im soorrwiee. I hope you threw them away!

Not sure what the obese and sweaty remarks had to do with it other than to crudely insult the guy. That's just boorish. Would you have been happier if some hottie would have sneezed on your food and handled it with unclean hands?

You make a very valid point there. I would have commented the same thing if I didn't read yours first.

luckygohappy 9

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want someone's sweat all over my food. The person's weight doesn't matter, though.

frostiebeanz 0

when did they start serving chips at mcdonalds

"Chips" is British English for French Fries, #108. That's what they call fries in the U.K.

Reveur_fml 0

OP is from the UK. In the UK we call "fries" chips.

frostiebeanz 0
yeahyeah172 3

they are called fries at McDonalds. You are welcome.

RawrBunneh 0

69 always picks up a little feces.

Hopefully you informed the manager on duty about that issue, and hopefully they threw out those chips and made new ones. If you didn't inform someone, YDI.