By time to buy a gun - 02/11/2015 04:22 - United States - Carolina

Today, I was upstairs with my wife when I heard my cat scream from the porch downstairs. I ran down to find her "puffed up" and growling on the floor, and a corner of the screen next to the door busted out. I still have no idea what caused it and my wife is now afraid to go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 030
You deserved it 1 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonetribute 31

This is how all the horror movies start!


It was probably a bird that flew into the screen scared the shit out of the cat and then flew off

At least your cat is a good deterrent. You got yourself a guard cat!

most likely another cat a feral cat cats don't generally freaked out at raccoons they all just kind of get along

Probably a corgi-sized spider. We get those out here in spring. I make a deal with the first one in every year: this is your corner, your name is Bob, help yourself to food and water. Just don't have your babies inside. It seems to work out!