By time to buy a gun - 02/11/2015 04:22 - United States - Carolina

Today, I was upstairs with my wife when I heard my cat scream from the porch downstairs. I ran down to find her "puffed up" and growling on the floor, and a corner of the screen next to the door busted out. I still have no idea what caused it and my wife is now afraid to go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 030
You deserved it 1 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonetribute 31

This is how all the horror movies start!


wordygirl 11

Cats are catty. Great defenders of their territory. Unless you have one like mine that lets the raccoons eat her leftovers at night while calmly looking on. Sounds to me like you don't. Oh and by the way, I thought everyone knew cats and screens don't mix.

If you live in a wooded area I know raccoons and possums are curious little critters.

Whatever it was your cat scared it away...problem solved...

Maybe it was a squirrel hope for the best I guess.

I totally thought you were talking about your wife being "puffed up and growling" for a moment. Hope all is OK OP, maybe your cat made the hole?

It might have been just another kitty! Get some security cameras to be on the safe side.

"busted out" leads me to believe that whatever it was left your house so theres that