By Rael - 29/09/2009 18:36 - United States

Today, I found a parking citation from my college on my car windshield. It read PERMIT CITATION at the top. It confused me, as I had bought a parking permit 2 or 3 weeks before so that I wouldn't get a ticket. Turns out I got fined because the permit was on the wrong side of the windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 570
You deserved it 7 282

Rael tells us more.

Rael 0

Well, the worst part of it was what I saw when I was driving on the way back to my dorm. Somebody driving past with the sticker in the same place mine was. It just pisses me off. Like the guy with the Mustang I see every day. He can't ever get a real parking spot, so he's always parked in the Service Vehicles spot. I never see a ticket on his windshield. This is at NAU, btw. Yes, they are fucktards about this shit.

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

I don't know why, but that seems sorta typical in todays societies... If you ever see the person who gave you the ticket, take your keys and shove it up his/her @$$ and say "Oops! Wrong side!"

MacintoshDima 0


MacintoshDima 0
Zhejan 0

Look at the bright side, at least your boyfriend's getting some ass

kmapes 0

If you go to ASU, you can contact them and complain. They did the same thing to me (my permit was one of those that hung from the rear-view window), and I ended up not having to pay the fine.

BitterJaded 0

Actually, this sounds more like NAU than ASU. They're asshats.

Nope, definitely something that they would at ASU. I've gotten cited for not properly displaying my decal, even though it was clearly in front of the sun shield for my car... Appeal it; they shouldn't make a big deal of it.

Says #5, the one who clicked the wrong reply button and thus commits the same fail.

spidergirl41 0

I don't know why, but that seems sorta typical in todays societies... If you ever see the person who gave you the ticket, take your keys and shove it up his/her @$$ and say "Oops! Wrong side!"

it's just school trying to make some money in this economy. We're in a poor economical state right now. the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewlery, and the husband gets no sex. therefore, the husband is grouchy. or if it's a policewoman, it would be the jewerly.

1. economical is not the word you wanted. try again. 2. jewlery? jewerly?! 3. i hope that you aren't married. i just.. really.. don't think you're ready. 4. **** you, sexist pig. i'll cut you.

MiddleChild08 0

And you're just now getting a ticket? At my college there are guys who drive around the lots all day everyday giving people tickets. Sucks for you.

Reyo 2

Yeah, you really need to challenge that. Did it say on the permit which side of the windshield it HAD to be on? If not, he didn't have a reason to ticket you since you had no way of knowing.

noshitsherlock 0

UGH I hate that shit. Parking "enforcement" is the biggest bullshit/scam ever. >:-O People do WAY worse things everyday and don't have to pay shit.