By pandabear93 - 04/09/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, I was talking to my mom about when I have kids. I told her I may want two or three. She immediately cut me off and told me to stick to one, and that any more than that will be a burden. I am the second born child of my family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 584
You deserved it 3 754

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow, way to hurt your kids' feelings. go ahead and have your kids but be careful about grandma. she can be a hurtful bitch.

Just imagine, 20 years from now we could be seeing an fml: "Today I was browsing old fml archives. I saw one by my parent, pandabear93. I am his second child. FML"


backagainbitch 0

**** off please never have kids

HahaYDI 0

Agreed, however your trolling skills suck.

Just imagine, 20 years from now we could be seeing an fml: "Today I was browsing old fml archives. I saw one by my parent, pandabear93. I am his second child. FML"

She is right though. I'm the third, and me and my sisters are really close in age. I would have hated to be my mum around the time I was born.

wow, way to hurt your kids' feelings. go ahead and have your kids but be careful about grandma. she can be a hurtful bitch.

Aww :( my mom was one of nine kids. #6

I don't really see why this is an FML. Get over it, she raised you, didn't she?

Inked2009 0

Your an asshole that needs to get a life

sublime93 0

#7's right #8 take the stick out your ass

Kudos for that comment, #7. However, you lose any respect by paying homage to the most annoying Star Wars character with your username!

myhairynutsack 0

Have as many as you like. Maybe she had career aspirations and other life goals she never accomplished and it may not have been right for her in retrospect.

If I were you, I wouldn't push my luck by asking your mom who her favorite child is.

whatsmccraken 0

Being an only child sucks. I had no brothers or sisters to play with when I was young, not even a dog. Nor toys for a matter of fact, they thought toys stifled the learning process. My parents always wondered why I'm such a weirdo. Why I talk to the wall. Why none of the neighborhood kids want to play with me. Now on holidays, my parents still complain how weird I am. I'm 43, fat, and not married.

I'm sorry for you. I think it was your parents' poor upbringing of you rather than your only child status, per se, that has caused your current problems. We are raising an only child and she is thriving. She is exceptionally popular, well-adjusted, sweet, smart, talented and compassionate. I could not be prouder of her. She has far better social skills than her dad had at that age, and I had a brother and a sister. I like to think I've improved since then, but I have no doubt that my daughter will far surpass me socially. We've always had dogs in the house, appropriate toys and made concerted efforts to make sure she had plenty of playdates with other kids. I was worried when we got the news that we weren't going to have more children, but it seems to be working out great. I hope you can figure out a way to become happier. Good luck.

i think, fact that your parents wondered why you are such a weirdo, have hurt your life more, then that you were growing alone. there is no weird people, only stupid social standards. everything is in your hands! btw i also have no brothers and sisters good luck

Aww, Plexico, you wanted more kids? I'm sorry to hear that. However, it sounds like your only child will always make you very proud, and you're lucky to have her. Some parents have 2+ bad children that worry them to no end, steal from them, etc. So, I guess you're pretty fortunate. I again say you sound like a really good dad.

no_hullabalo, Maybe you ought to go on vacation in, oh, let's say, Taiwan. They have beautiful resorts there that are known for being very friendly and parasailing. If you try parasailing, make sure you secure your swim trunks well, because if they fall off, it will be embarrassing. That ought to make you happy. Maybe you will share some interesting stories of your trip with us.

"", huh? Do you make yourself feel better by rubbing your nipples for people to watch while at stoplights?

Oops. I didn't want to scroll all the way up, so I was summarizing it. The point remains, he is the guy from the nipple-rubbing FML.

the_stereotype 0

*virtual hug* because you sound like you need one

youthink_fml 0

Wah, wah, wah. She didn't say YOU were a burden. She said more than one kid is a burden. Stop taking things so personally.