By Notthemaid - 30/09/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I was talking to my mom about how my fiancé has been ignoring me and that I didn't know why. Turns out, my mother told him that I was too much of a handful, was mentally disturbed and also cheating on him. Just so I wouldn't move out and would keep cleaning her house for free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 520
You deserved it 2 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mj2123 0

Sounds like mom is the one who is mentally disturbed...

And you still live with a crazy woman because?


hoooolly shyte... your mother is one crazy-ass lady!!! Who the hell would do this to their kid?!?! move out, fiance or not (depending on whether he'll even talk to you again!). DO NOT continue living with this woman, she's clrealy got a few screws loose or is simply so unbelievably selfish that she doesn't deserve your support.

Not only is your mom crazy.. your fiance is dumb. I assume you guys have been dating for a while...long enough for him to realize he wants to spend his life with you until you get divorced.. Since he "believed" that than he obviously didn't know you or was just looking for an excuse to call the engagement off without looking like an ass.

Brittface 6

haha FYL! Sounds like your mom is the one mentally disturbed. U should charge her for everytime you've cleaned her house.

unhappyperson 0

That's us North Carolinians for you. Sorry.

waterynuggets 0

IAWTC except I'm not apart of the "us."

epicFAIL7 0

I think your mom is the mentally disturbed one here.

Your future-husband must be pretty dumb to believe all that at once, especially since she had never said anything before (about the handfulness or the mental disturbance), and especially since it should be obvious to him by now that you at least aren't mentally disturbed.

xocaligirl21 0

i totally know where youre coming from. my mom has done the same shit =/