By LiveGuard - 28/03/2012 05:30 - United States

Today, I was taking a lifeguard certification test. I nearly drowned halfway through. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 851
You deserved it 22 317

Same thing different taste


TSN619 7

I know marinus has already covered this but I feel it needs to be repeated due to the continuing ignorant comments. Qualifying to be a lifeguard isn't easy. It's not just a basic knowledge and ability to swim. You have to be very good at it. I can't recall who said it but someone said that it sounds like something you would do in military training. Yes it is, as active duty Navy when we take our PRT we have the option to swim, the requirement for that is 500 meters in 12:30. I usually swim it in about 11:45. Also, I would just like to add that half of the people are commenting that OP should learn how to swim probably couldn't pass the lifeguard test them damn selves :)

yea that test is hard but i recommend you take 3-5 weeks and swim as much as u can until you can swim 1000 meters with out stopping thats what i did and i passed it

Isn't that what you've been studying and practicing for, for months?

starman02 12

I really don't think your ready or qualified to be a lifeguard than! I've taken all those tests... They are not that hard! Keep practicing then re-take the test, good luck op!

Good God, it's swimming - one of the most rudimentary skills of a normal human being.

As much as that no doubt sucks from your perspective, speaking objectively, if you're not ready it's a very good thing you didn't pass.

Yea dude I would not like you guarding my life even tho I am already a lifeguard so would not have to worry

barbieee420 1

Haha u shouldn't be a lifeguard if u dont no how to swim haha

I wonder if this OP is related to the Driver Exam OP. Story sounds somewhat alike.