By Youdontneed2knowmyname - 05/02/2011 05:29 - United States

Today, I was so bored I began practicing an irish jig. For two hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 885
You deserved it 26 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

waltz the matter with you? you gotta tune up your social life. get on your feet, friends are just a hop, skip and a jig away.

well hey, at least you had two hours worth of entertainment, and you got some exercise! :)


yeahreally 6

Just set a new bar for being THAT bored. Good work.

Hey! Don't dis Ireland or Irish dancing. It's a serious dance form and takes years of practice, if you were that bored, please do something else rather thn dance and then whine about it on here.

You racist bitch I am almost full Irish and I dance so u need to think b4 u type u racist bitchy fagot

I'm an Irish dancer and unless you have a feis soon, FYL

iChel413 6

That is a great idea for boredom

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Look mommy, I know Irish dancing! :D

As an Irish dancer, who's actually from Ireland, my question is this. As you're American, was it a real Irish jig or the demented choreography of the truly ignorant?

I was just about to say the same thing. I like you.

hey hey, there are Americans in legitimate Dance Schools who think the same thing. I had so many idiots "imitate" Irish Dancing to me and I hated it