By BrokeAndHungry - 24/07/2016 17:05 - United States - Ann Arbor

Today, I was so ashamed of being broke that instead of asking my parents for money, I snuck into their house while they were at work to steal some of their food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 136
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a little low, you should just ask instead of stealing. If they care about you they will help.

Mathalamus 24

you should probably ask next time. they are your parents. unless they are assholes, they will help you out.


Your parents sound like mine. I was an oops kid and have felt it all my life compared to my planned sister. She can shop at mom's and I can't even go over without a fight getting started, so I know how you feel. Try to see if your work will do fundraisers or your religious establishment if you have one? Might help to get you a little farther ahead.

Where did you see anything like that in this FML?

If OP is so ashamed of their parents knowing they can't afford food, there's obviously something on the parents' side that makes OP feel like asking for help will cause them to be shamed or worse.

I call that 'Shopping at the mom and dad store'

Great call. I'm sure the shame definitely won't increase when they find out.

so you think being a thief is better than being honest? I do not agree. ydi