By Temporalvisions - 13/07/2017 16:30 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I was showing off the Mount Kilimanjaro tattoo that I got after climbing it. It's a silhouette of the mountain and the word "KILI" in bold. My girlfriend told her friends it was actually the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit, and that Kili was my favorite dwarf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 654
You deserved it 1 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love your girlfriend's sense of humor!

ImminentDisaster 12

If its his life accomplishment it better mean something to him other than what other people think of it


I love your girlfriend's sense of humor!

WeirdUS 29

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ImminentDisaster 12

If its his life accomplishment it better mean something to him other than what other people think of it

WeirdUS 29

I agree, it just sucks to have it demeaned for a quick laugh. Especially if your significant other knows it's important to you. It'd be different if it was an in joke with friends later on.

What a crybaby! You shouldn’t get a tattoo if you’re not “man” enough to “jaro” it.

waverlyearp 11

That sounds like a way better tattoo, tbh.

sparklevibes 14

I don't blame you though. Kili, the dwarf, would be my first choice too. [But way to go on climbing that beast of a mountain!!]

Far over, the Misty Mountain cold To dungeons deep, and caverns old

JoviRose 11

We must away ere break of day. To seek the pale enchanted gold.

Being honest, her version will probably make your tattoo more popular.