By Anonymous - 02/09/2012 13:38 - United States - Baltimore

Today, I was showing my boyfriend some stuff I bought that day: a new thong and a bag of his favorite brand of peanuts. He was more excited about the peanuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 307
You deserved it 5 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments


estes816 9

Sometimes you feel like a nut...... Sometimes you don't.......

I totally agree. Even if they delete both of our comments, at least now you know yours got read. :)

Well, I think he'd be more excited about you in the thong (;

next time wear only the thong, if he still wants the peanuts then he is not right in the head.

conqueror57 11

You gave a guy the choice between food or the same old thing he's been banging; what did you expect?!?!

The thong doesn't taste good, think about it. Plus, it's just going to end up on the floor anyway, so why care.

Well guys dont usually give a shit about a thong.

mufasa1026 6

Hobestly. Don't worry about it. Dont come in between guys and food. Some will usually choose food over sex. They can get it later.

he probably was thinking omg thong than peanuts