By Anonymous - 01/06/2013 00:02 - Guatemala - Guatemala City

Today, I was sending some dirty texts to my boyfriend, when I heard a knocking sound coming through the wall. I sat there for ten minutes before I realized I was listening to my mom and her boyfriend having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 795
You deserved it 6 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ColbyGB 13

look at it this way, maybe one day you can tell your younger brother/sister you heard their conception.


meherm 11

Has anyone wondered why it's so weird for us to think of our parents having sex but then when it's come to us with our partners it's like no biggie..

wowsaint 4
PaintedTempest 14

What does "dirty" texts to your boyfriend have anything to do with it?

Epikouros 31

Please go riding and forget this perverted site until you start sexting your boyfriend.

She could have been having sex with your boyfriend. Now THAT would've have been really frightening.

boobsarefun 4

I love how u added the part about sending dirty texts even tho it was completely unnecessary lol

What dies sending dirty texts to your boyfriend have to do with this FML?