
By I don't care if it was consented or not, I'm gonna whoop the shit out of this child-molesting fuck. - 22/09/2021 23:00

Today, my sister, who is now 19, gathered the guts to formally present her boyfriend to us. She was so concerned that my parents wouldn't let her have a boyfriend, she kept it a secret for 5 years. We were happy to hear it, until she presented him to us. He's a 35-year-old taxi driver. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 521
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact that a 30 year old would date a 14 year old is so fundamentally wrong i really fail to see the relevancy of his profession

So wait, she started dating a 30yr-old cab driver when she was 14 - that guy is creepy as hell.


So wait, she started dating a 30yr-old cab driver when she was 14 - that guy is creepy as hell.

The fact that a 30 year old would date a 14 year old is so fundamentally wrong i really fail to see the relevancy of his profession

Jon Tessler 14

yeah if he started "dating", I mean "grooming" her at 14, beat his ass and call the cops on him


I'd suggest just calling the police. Beating him up will only give him a chance to sue the family. And don't worry, if he was 30 and she was 14, he'll probably spend at least some time in jail, and the local population notoriously doesn't take kindly to this specific time of crime...

diraven 15

Kinda creepy, but she's an adult now so meh

And what about the 4 years where she wasn't? Not exactly a "forgive and forget" sort of situation here...

Bro just say, "I'm a creep" and move on. You can't justify this

They didn't justify it? She is an adult now, all other information is irrelevant to what can/should be done.

hopejm 5

call the cops. she wasn't mature enough at 14 for this. now he's got her in love with him. he's bad and she can't see it. good luck to all

rotflqtms_ 21

She wasn't when they got together.

SalamanderSlick 1

Idk why you're wasting time posting an fml when you should be organizing a lynch mob or finding a gun.