By Anonymous - 07/09/2012 00:49 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I was refused employment at a liquor store. Their reason? I'm a regular customer and they're afraid I'll drink all their profits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 424
You deserved it 21 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you having experience shopping there and liking the products make you more useful as a salesperson? That wasn't a very wise choice on their part.

omfg_creepers 8

Did you apply for the chance of employee discounts?


If you drink so much that the employees at the liquor store are concerned about you, that's a pretty clear sign that you have a problem.

Thats the way to go! Drink away those profits ;)

it makes sense plus think about it maybe u will....

shamonie22 9

Explain why he does? "Regular customer" is vague, it could just mean that he doesn't use any other liquor store when he does go to them, or the owners of the store might think that not very much alcohol is actually a lot of alcohol.

Why does this have so many YDI's? He said he is a regular customer, which could mean "I go there once a week", or "I go there a few times a month", do we REALLY feel the need to assume he means "I go there twice a day and I am a violent alcoholic"?

Hopefully this won't make you wine too much. You can get your spirits up!

I can only wonder if you've been in there drunk or if you're buying a huge amount of booze. I feel you're not giving us all the facts.