By nick - 12/01/2015 08:23 - United Kingdom - Cambridge

Today, I refused to serve a woman alcohol, as she looked underage. She complained to my manager about "age racism." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 902
You deserved it 2 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Sir, I'll have you know that your employee thinks I am Younganese. This is incredibly racist, I'm clearly Boozehoundian."


I frequently wonder that myself #9. Especially in crowds there seems to be a collective stupidity.

incoherentrmblr 21

First time I've heard of Ageism being used for younger people...

#67 Ageism for younger people isn't really that rare of a thing. Some studies have been that prove middle aged people are the most likely to get hired even if older or younger potentials had the same amount of experience. There are stereotypes that younger people can't focus, communicate well, and are great at wasting time. There are stereotypes of older people that they are slower, not as intelligent, and more likely to make mistakes than those not in their elderly years. Also even when the amount of experience is the same, the older folks are still perceived over qualified while the younger are considered under qualified compared to middle aged applicants. In the case of the FML it is bullshit, of course.

OlChickenBeard 16

Unless you live in an incestuous family.

Besides her being a hypocrite, kids have always done stupid stuff like this. Ever since alcohol was banned for kids they have found ways to complain about it. Its not just today.

Yeah, kids trying to buy alcohol definitely only happens with "today's generation". You, ma'am, are an imbecile.

I love when someone of this generation complains about it as if they're not part of the generation

Honestly, I don't even think it's down to the whole generation thing. It's society's fault, everyone has a part to contribute and someone in the kid's life ****** up, if the kid is claiming ageism after being denied alcohol. The whole generation thing is just pushing blame to someone else.

incoherentrmblr 21

Its retarded when anybody complains about it. Most of the people that do raised the generation in question.

"Sir, I'll have you know that your employee thinks I am Younganese. This is incredibly racist, I'm clearly Boozehoundian."

You are brilliant! I don't laugh at much but I got a good chuckle from that one.

BubbleGrunge 18

Did you ask for an ID, OP? I look young too and get carded often, but that doesn't mean I am underage. A simple look at my identification answers any question someone has.

This was my secondary thought as well, usually you just ask for ID. I'm not sure how things are in the UK , but I assume they work similar to the U.S. .... Stupid people shouldn't drink regardless.

Xandrick 22

BubbleGrunge has the sense OP should have had. Actually checking the ID would have been a good idea.

I'm 47 with graying hair. I don't look underage. Every now and again I get asked for ID. I don't get insulted or whine, I just produce ID. Something rang a bell in their head and they must act accordingly. If they don't, they are held responsible if you are too young or if something happens. The same goes if they think you've had too much to drink. It can cost them their bar/store.

Yeah in the UK you normally ask for ID and if they don't have it you don't serve them. In most places you are supposed to ask for ID if the person looks under 25. Just in case. I would imagine OP would have asked and she probably didn't have it because it is normally the first course of action.

How do we know OP DIDN'T card them? There's only so much room on that little story. I say he carded the little brat, she was underage, he refused her and then she went off on a temper tantrum.

The customer probably didn't have ID, so op couldn't serve them

in the uk all shops should adhere to the think 25 policy (some even do think 30) so if you look under 25 you ask for id if they cannot give you any you refuse the sale dont worry op i have had numerous complaints against me asking for id one even called me a stuck up little bitch cuz he had Id but his extremely young looking girlfriend didn't

Ageism is a thing. Although it does refer to the discrimination based on age in a number of things; not serving alcohol to someone because they don't look old enough is not one of them. Better lose a customer that may or may not have had a fake I.d. than face a hefty to fine to the customer, server and business.

Fun fact! In the US you can legally discriminate based on age if the person is under 40, in regards to employment thanks to the ADEA.

Definitely for the best. Can you imagine what she'd be saying inebriated?

boxbrandon11 20

Hopefully your manager realized how stupid that lady was

Is there such a thing as stupidity racism? If so I'm racist.