By ugh - 24/11/2014 12:40 - United States - Port Chester

Today, I was really excited to get a new bank account in my name. My parents wanted me to have it so they could transfer money from mine to theirs and vice versa. What excited me less was my father drunkenly accessing it and taking all my cash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 205
You deserved it 4 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to get a second account that he can't access, dah'ling.


why would you allow your parents to have access to your bank account? I can't think of a single reason that would be necessary!

Hey OP just open a new solo account in your name. Then transfer said cash into your new acct! A little more work but problem solved mate!

I don't understand how or why they'd have access to your account (other than to deposit money). Perhaps things are different in the States.

Sad to hear so many people have trouble with this and their parents. With my first bank account, I was old enough to have one on my own but chose to have one that my mother has access to and I have access to hers via online banking. For years it's just been so easy, and I can quickly transfer money from her account to mine in an emergency and she could too if she needed to. Fortunately, neither of us have taken advantage and it has worked really well. I'm sorry your dad was less trustworthy. ):

I'd take him to court. That's actually theft.