By ugh - 24/11/2014 12:40 - United States - Port Chester

Today, I was really excited to get a new bank account in my name. My parents wanted me to have it so they could transfer money from mine to theirs and vice versa. What excited me less was my father drunkenly accessing it and taking all my cash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 205
You deserved it 4 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to get a second account that he can't access, dah'ling.


This is why no one but me ever has access to my bank account.

When you get your bank statement, show it to your parents so they know how much they owe you. At least yours didn't use all of your money to bail himself out of prison.. and the reason he was there in the first place was because he was abusing you..

Well there goes his Christmas and Father's Day gift lol

Why not just use Google Wallet? It's free and super-easy. That's how I send and receive money.

Why would you have your account set to those settings though? It's kind of asking for trouble.. In my opinion.

Take your fathers name off of the account. No one can access your account unless they are on the account with you.

jeanyrios 10

No way. Bank account for a child is ONEWAY from the Parents to the child only.

Not true. I work in a bank, and parents withdraw funds from their child's account all the time. As long as the parent is a signer, they are allowed to access the money.

Sorry OP. If your father is a custodian or a joint on the account, he legally has a right to the money in the account. It sucks. As soon as you possibly can, open an account in your name and your name only. However, if your father isn't a signer on the account, you are allowed to dispute it to get your money back. Good luck! Hopefully your father pays you back.