By AgentRarity - 18/06/2014 16:48

Today, I was reading butthurt comments about how girl gamers can easily get dates and find love by simply existing. I'm a "girl gamer" who hasn't even found a date, let alone love. I've been looking since I was sixteen. I'm now 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 714
You deserved it 7 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can do it!! Don't give up! You are the bomb!!!

at least you know getting married on skyrim doesn't count


Don't worry, :) it might take another small while and you will find somebody. Don't rely on only being a girl gamer though, chat with people :) find out their interests. i wish you good luck!

If it helps, my gf finally found me after 6 years of no bites. It's not 10, but same idea >.< Keep your chin up, enjoy your hobbies; you'll find someone!

op gimme your Facebook, i see if i can help you ;D

The only game I can actually play is Dugeons and Dragons Roleplaying and everytime I feel like a total's still fun though.

TheFeels 16

Im sure you're a beautiful woman that hasnt found the right guy yet, its not ogre yet.

i thought the same thing until i found my hero of time. now weve been together for a couple and regularly cosplay as link and zelda

It solely depends on the game's fan base, you're more likely to find a man on WoW than a man on CoD as WoW has a more adult and mature fan base, etc.