No thanks

By Anonymous - 28/03/2021 14:01

Today, it's been since 2014 that I've been looking for a girlfriend, and the average response I've gotten was no. Today I got, "Ew, hell no." FML
I agree, your life sucks 878
You deserved it 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrSamba1 8

I went through that when I was young. Not knowing anything about you, but based on my own past experiences, you might want to change your approach. Women get turned off if they sense desperation. It's easy to become desperate after seven years.

Are you literally asking women to be your girlfriend? That's generally not how it works.


DrSamba1 8

I went through that when I was young. Not knowing anything about you, but based on my own past experiences, you might want to change your approach. Women get turned off if they sense desperation. It's easy to become desperate after seven years.

Are you literally asking women to be your girlfriend? That's generally not how it works.

diraven 15

Aim lower. Uggo chicks are desperate too.

Man that sounds familiar. Pretty much why I quit and put all my time and effort into myself. Being a telephony guy, I'd rather be tasked with building a nuclear power plant than trying to establish a relationship with another human being. Both have about the same odds of being achieved.

bleachedraven 14