By Till We Pass Out - 03/10/2015 15:30 - United Kingdom - Halifax

Today, I was pushing so hard to take a number two that I ended up passing out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 660
You deserved it 5 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Razabin 15

Don't force it dude.. Got to let it be natural! Just relax.. It'll happen.

xoxoblondee 31

Guess you pushed yourself to your limit.


Razabin 15

Don't force it dude.. Got to let it be natural! Just relax.. It'll happen.

Pooping is like love. Sometimes it sorts itself out, and sometimes you've got to give it a big, hard, slimy push.

Hate it when you force it to come out, then you get tired and it slips back in.

derpina72 23

I find reading FML to be the perfect, pooping pastime.

wangwong 8

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xoxoblondee 31

Guess you pushed yourself to your limit.

Wow, did you think of that on your own?

This is one of my biggest fear... Did you fall and finish the rest on the floor or ...?

I see the vagal response is working well. Seriously though, don't bear down so hard.

I'm guessing too little fibre in this case.

No, too much fibre will soak up all the water in the stools and make them extremely hard and in turn hard to pass. Look it up. It seems counterintuitive but it's not. Too much of a good thing often will become a bad thing.

I feel a ghost poo would really top this situation off. I mean, that's if you actually managed to accomplish your task.

More fibre, more water, try a course of laxatives! Your friendly local doctor would love to hear about your bowel problems, go give them a call.